Published inUnapologetically RealLose Your Irrational Road Rage and Drive like a Human beingNews Flash: Drivers are people.Oct 252Oct 252
Published inUnapologetically RealIf Cheaters Never Win, Why do They Cheat?The answer may be in your genes.Oct 172Oct 172
Published inSpiritualist CornerScience Proves Your Consciousness Lives Even When the Physical Brain DiesDeath is not the end of life.Oct 59Oct 59
Why I Don’t Eat What I Don’t and You Shouldn’t EitherVariety gives us the ability to make kinder food choicesMay 13May 13
Paradise Is Possible If We Let the Golden Rule, Rule The worldHeaven on Earth is within our reach.Apr 261Apr 261
Meet Cordell Jackson, the Mother of Rock n’ RollShe should be inducted into the Rock n’ Roll Hall of FameApr 222Apr 222
You Can Be Happy If You Find the Road to HappinessNot getting lost along the way is the key.Apr 21Apr 21
I Wasn’t Rude. I Kept My Friends Safe in Target-rich Environments.Not being nice might have saved their lives.Mar 26Mar 26