That Quiet Sacred Space Within Is the Most Elusive Space Of all

And the most unexplored.

Marilyn Regan
4 min readAug 9, 2021
Photo by Joel Filipe on Unsplash

When we hear the word space, many of us think of outer space, that “final frontier” of the starship Enterprise. That vast, endless void that stretches beyond our eyes and our imaginations.

It’s the Milky Way and further, all the way to the Andromeda Galaxy.

Or we might consider the physical space around us, our personal space, and others invading it. Over the past year, we’ve needed a minimum of six feet of it to stay safe. Anyone who’s taken public transportation during rush hour or been crammed into coach class on a plane knows the feeling of not having enough space.

Space can also refer to time, like when we need to think about something and tell or ask someone to “give us some space.” At this point, we tend to extend our physical space as well.

But there’s another type of space that we often do not consider. We visit that space when we take the time to close our eyes, breathe deeply and just be. And it’s a place we should visit as often as we can.

It’s the most personal space of all.

The space within.

Space in stillness.



Marilyn Regan

Marilyn is a writer, yogi, and spiritual medium. Her favorite people are animals, especially ones that meow. She loves the ocean and hates one-use plastic.