When Will We Be Worthy of Achieving the Dreams We’re Capable of?

We never fully recover from our childhoods.

Marilyn Regan
6 min readMay 12, 2020
Photo by Hanson Lu on Unsplash

Recently I attended a virtual meeting with a group of talented creatives. They were writers, editors, web designers, and artists. The moderator encouraged the group to share their skills with others and maybe teach, make a video, or at the very least, post information.

As several of us nodded in agreement, some started to downplay their talents. Their comments were self-deprecating.

“It’s nothing, really. No big deal. I have nothing to offer.”

As I listened, I could hear their wounded hearts saying:

“I am nothing; therefore, I have nothing to give.”

Their words had nothing to do with their talents, and everything to do with them, how they saw themselves. They were stuck somehow, unable to extricate themselves from their pasts. And unaware of their value.

They were not worthy.

A couple of more confident participants in the group said, “Look, people are interested in learning that.”

Their response?


And it hit me. I was in the same place and felt the same way about myself. Unworthy, incapable, and less…



Marilyn Regan

Marilyn is a writer, yogi, and spiritual medium. Her favorite people are animals, especially ones that meow. She loves the ocean and hates one-use plastic.