You’re Never Too Old to Dream Creatively.

Age Smart and Don’t quit.

Marilyn Regan


Photo by Charles 🇵🇭 on Unsplash

Do you ever get to the age where you think you should just be happy with the way things are?

I don’t think so.

Was is that age anyway?

When you’re young, you have, or think you have time. The trouble is, life is long enough to make you feel confident that you have plenty of it, but the days fly by fast.

The road is long, but the days are short.

When you get older, like me, you look back and evaluate what you’ve done. Should you be complacent and happy with the good things or should you shoot for more?

In my case, I’m going for more.

It’s not that I’m not unhappy, until I realize that I’ve made choices that now force me to work instead of retiring. On those mornings when I’m looking out on a beautiful sunny day and I know I have to take it all in, in 10 minutes or less before hitting the road for another work week, I find it difficult to feel satisfied, much less happy.

And I realize the grass really is greener.

And then I want more. More savings, more income, more time for family, who are also getting old, and more time to myself.



Marilyn Regan

Marilyn is a writer, yogi, and spiritual medium. Her favorite people are animals, especially ones that meow. She loves the ocean and hates one-use plastic.